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Doctor Who

Writer's picture: BorgduckBorgduck

Updated: Feb 3, 2019

Doctor Who-The Time Warrior (1973)

It's 1973, the final era of Jon Pertwee's noble reign of the Third Doc.  Jo Grant had just left in a touching scene at the end of the previous seasons The Green Death.  Roger Delgado (the first incarnation of The Master) died in a taxi-accident on June 18th (funny how that date keeps coming up!),  & the cosy, tea-drinking, U.N.I.T family is slowly breaking up, cue Season 11.  We get Sarah-Jane Smith.  Arguably one of the greatest iconic assistants of this show, though no-one suspected as much at the time.  And a new iconic monster in The Sontaran's.  Also, a new, fab, title-sequence, in case you hadn't noticed..

The dawn of a new age?

E.T. this is so not!  A Sontaran spaceship crashes in the Middle-of the-Ages, amongst the time of Lord Irongron.   A ferel version of the Sheriff Of Nottingham who, with his not so merry band of men, plunder other castles.  Sontaran Lynx makes a deal with Irongron in exchange for shelter to repair his ship, Lynx will supply the warlord with weapons to crumble the castles of his enemies.  Mainly Sir Edward whose troops are away, fighting a certain crusade. 

Lynx must project himself, time-wise, to the future.  Unfortunately, a malfunction can only project him as far as the 20th Century & kidnapping scientists attracting the Brigadiers attention, putting all his eggs in one basket as it were, by keeping the remaining eggheads in one "secure" installation.  & of course, our hero The Doctor.  

So long as no one steals the basket! This story doesn't waste time!  With the unholy alliance between Irongron & Lynx well under way.  The two sharing a brother-like chemistry that originates light-years apart.  The Doctor has to Leap into action, assuming the Timelord's , yet again haven't intervened. 

Seriously, the TARDIS miraculously makes a one-stop destination to the precise point in time when before it was mostly a hit-&-miss, a fact which the Brigadier gleefully rubs in to the Doctor culminating in a brilliant comeback!  Though he had built a tracking device. looking like a cute-70's toy!  That is, of course, the Timelords have not butted in, yet again, in the 3rds reign....

He must stop Lynx from interfering in Mankind's development with his helping Irongron in technological leaps.  Though why he only provides rifles (OK, a robot!) no grenades or U.N.I T. machine guns?!  The robot though is particularly funny.

Sarah-Jane does some kind of butting-in, interference of her own, 

She'll be known for this in the future. First, by gate-crashing the TARDIS, then, by gate-crashing Irongron's castle which she assumes is a Kentwell Hall-style, historic re-enactment.  Then, she organises a rebellion with Sir Edwards men, all ten of 'em... plus Hal (Bobba Fett, no bull!) played by Jeremy Bulloch.  She thinks the Doctor is helping Irongron despite being formally introduced by the former to his new Sontaran buddy. The Doctor considers himself as a "galactic ticket inspector", & Sarah really needs a cup of tea. Try China. 

  Familiar face?  Patty or Selma?
And where do I start with David Daker as Irongron & his loyal lackey, Bloodaxe?  He gets the grooviest lines during this fab romp through space & time.  Seriously, just listen or read anyway!

"Meanwhile our neighbours (Sir Edwards castle) swill down flagons of fine wine & sweat meat, or somewhat to that effect.  Then we must relieve them (Eddie again) of his abundance.  He is a fine neighbour, he shan't mind, etc!".  Nice sense of irony!  He might as well be speaking Klingon!  More?  You have been warned, no censors!

  • "Is this Doctor a long shankled rascal with a mighty nose?",

  • "To retrieve Irongons star (Lynx's ship) before some knave robs me of it!".

  • "Chicken-hearted knaves, the lot of you! Be gone from my sight!".

  • "I make nothing of their Norman scribbles".

  • "By my sword, Lynx, when I am king you shall be my general!".

  • "Trouble me not, toad-face, or you'll feel an axe in your skull!".

  • To Lynx's equally interesting technobabble, "You cluck away like a broody olde hen.".

  • "It's scarce worth strapping on armour, why you & I alone, Bloodaxe, can take that castle!".

Lynx, played by Kevin Lyndsey also gets some fine lines.  "It is an inefficient reproductive system, you should change it."  Of course, he's talking about sex minus school brat humour.

Seriously!  Is an interpreter needed for this story?!

Hal the archer.  Sir Edwards champion & Jabba The Huts & Darth Vader's it would seem.

Okay, time to be biased & why this one is so fab!   This story is not considered "classic" by my fellow Whovian brethren.  (at least I don't think so?) but it's a fun romp to watch.   We've got a new assistant in Sarah.   These things are bound to smegging happen.  Yet, they know not the greatness amongst them!  so, is she's oh so green?!

But she comes across as too head-strong!  It's not until my personal fave (trumpets roar) 'Death To The Daleks' that we see her blossom into the Sarah-Jane that we all know & love, complex!  Shows fear, yet, still remains headstrong.  Elisabeth, in all her majesty, rules this role!  Bold bias over?

Any-who (sorry, irresistible), If I haven't gone off set, on a course to oblivion.  This is truly a fab adventure in space & time!  Lynx  has kidnapped all these "whey-faced ninny's" from the 20th Century, yet one stills elude him in Professor Rubiesh (does the name fit?).  He thinks that because he's partially blind & cannot be hypnotised, is headstrong himself.  Though, give him his due,  he does save The Doctor & Sarah from Lynx.  Though how Lynx doesn't notice Rubiesh amongst his not so  hypno-rabble is beyond me!  Irongron seems to gain pleasure from having to help Lynx from his bonds.  Sarah goes under-cover with historical-inaccuracy whereas the eras food is involved.  LOVE The Doctors impression of Lynx's second "ironman" for Irongron, a scene destined to crack one up!

This is a fab trip through the infinite, Universal, journey's of our tea-time hero.  It's meant in jest & should be treated as such.  Not seriously.   Robert Holmes orchestrated this piece of genius.  With his usual comedy, yet brilliant comedy double-acts (he'd love G'Kar & Londo of B5!). OCD historians will obviously go nuts. But, who cares (?) I don't!  The fact that Sarah-Jane can understand Irongron. "Oh, go back to your butchers shop!", she exclaims to him (fab stereo-type)  Anyway, without the TARDIS trans matrix.  A cop-out, or dramatic-licence, whatever!

Great publicity! :)

This is the bit where my terminology of "blog/review" takes fruition.  Feel free to grab your vomit bags. My first ever Sci-Fi convention was not Doctor Who related, but Elisabeth Sladen was the only Doctor Who actress in attendance.  My sole reason was to meet a childhood heroine.  When I got to see her she commented on how amazing my eyes were.  It was fab enough just being there, but hearing that put me beyond cloud 9, beyond the Heavenly cosmos!  It was arguably the best day of my life at that point on this Earth!  I loathe to boast, but.... okay! My hand was not so forced!  This was her entrance into our lives.  Enjoy. :)

Long may Elisabeth reign,


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