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It doesn't take a brain surgeon (okay, sue me!), to figure out that the Hinchcliffe/Holmes era borrowed from lots of classic Horror, hence, the arguably, popular nature of this particular era.

Not only is this yet another personal favourite of mine, but, also features one of my all-time favourite recurring guest actors in Philip (your name vill also go on ze list!) Madoc . His character: Dr Solon is a cliché, mad scientist complete with egor-like servant in Condo. He is originally from Earth in the future, in one, brief, comment about homesickness. I have to admit, I'm curious to see what his Earth is like. Solon is over-zealous with his project of recreating renegade Timelord Mobius for his own power-mad gains. He's even willing to isolate himself on Karn for years for his obsession! It's very amusing to see how flawed & neurotic his character gets. Kudos to Philip Madoc for his portrayal.

Dr Solon & Morbius dancing (?)

In this Hammer- style, Sci-Fi Horror we're on the planet of The Sisterhood Of Karn. Just a mere, few billion light years from where our Timelord hero was born. The Sisterhood Of Karn jealously guard the elixir of life, that the Timelords need for their regenerative powers. But, unlike Timelords, The Sisterhood is stagnant, never changing, for centuries.


They're running dry & suspect The Doctor of being sent by The Timelords of stealing what precious resources they have left. In an ironic twist, he is sentenced to be burned at the stake, just see this! Karn is a studio-set planet & well realised in this humbled reviwers opinion. Love the "Bermuda Triangle" space-ship graveyard!

Sarah doing a cameo for Day Of The Triffids!

Elisabeth Sladen does a fantastic performance as the blinded Sarah & we get a fab cliff-hanger as a result, but I won't ruin it for you, the reader. Tom Baker is his usual, witty, self, but get's suckered twice by Dr Solon. More fool him.

Not exactly Ghost

This is well worth the watch on a dark Winters evening. I say, check it out if you haven't already.


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