The Starlost
This short-lived Canadian show, from 1973-74, is admittedly, a source of comfort, late night, viewing. However, it has a lot going for it, despite the fact that the original creator, Harllan EliIson, chose to go to warp & leave the project from the beginning.
Our main character, Devon, is played by Keir Dueila , of 2001 A Space Odyssey fame. This tragically, short-lived Canadian show only lasted a mere 16 episode. The creator, Harlan Elison jumped bail before the show even began. But, they still went faithfully on, to their credit! Devon is the most unique member of an Amish-type world that turns out to be the many of an interesting list of different Human cultures, trapped in biosphere-domes, & locked, for Centuries, in their own worlds without knowledge of the fact that they're on a giant Earth-ship Ark, heading for destruction, as the result of an accident that has drifted the Ark-ship on a collision course with the nearest star. Still with me? Phew!
Although, Devon is my favourite character for his open-minded attitude to such "alien" situations, I HAVE to adore Rachel. played by Gay Rowan. Of the three, she appears to be most out of her league. She's a female, cliché--product of their "Little House On The Prairie" dome. She's gentle & kind. She comforts a young lady, from the original, more advanced Ark, upon finding out that their ten-year shuttle journey away, has taken Centuries! Her reaction to to a fascist, militaristic bio-sphere is so innocent: "These people are savages!".
And then we get Garth. The warrior who was originally a baddie sent to hunt them who was originally "arranged" to be married to Rachel, but gracefully accepts that she is destined for Devon & joins them on their mission to save the Ark from collsion with a Sun, once he finds out the truth of their existence.
This show, as mentioned before, is a bit of comfort tele that didn't get the praise it deserved. Such guest stars as John Colico's, Barry Morse, & Walter Koeni, to name but a few. If you're feeling patient enough, one, dark night, feel free to give this one a spin!