Is Blake on trial?
Blake's 7 - Trial (1979)

Blake is reeling from guilt over the death of Gan from the previous episode Pressure Point. Meanwhile, Travis has been made a convenient scapegoat for Servalan & the Federation. He is on trial for a war crime of 1'471 civilians executed by his troops, under his orders, during his campaigns for them, go figure. The lawyer to represent him has been hired by Servalan herself, how extra convenient. Blake, goes awol on an alien planet only to discover that it's sentient, & it's occupants are the prey for it. One of them, Zil, tries to help him & Blake finds himself on yet, another struggle for life & death on a totally alien world.

Which of the two is the subplot? Blake's guilt & the resulting alien side story or the ongoing fight for freedom against the Federation? Does it matter since the two, somehow, become entwined in this fab episode. I enjoy this one, it's fun! Blake is reeling with bereavement so much so that he gets Orac to beam him down to the nearest habitable planet & leaves a computer, skype video recording. The rest of the crew are given a choice to beam him back up or just simply leave him. Avon's comment about the vid & the (still living) crew swallowing everything except the self-pity (being genuine) cracks me up every time. Then his pessimist attitude to Blake's cause does it to me period. Avon's opinion on guilt? Only something he's heard about.

Okay, I find the politics of the sub plot involving the Federation trial somewhat confusing. I assume Travis' failure to "seek, locate, & destroy" Blake has become an embarrassment for Servalan, so she needs to save face (?) Equally confusing is the scene where Travis' lawyer, Thania "bribes" one of his loyal squadron soldiers (a willing participant in the massacre in question) to share a not so poisoned yet still toxic drink with Travis in his cell. Okay, I was never one for the futuristic, Dark Age politics of The Terran Empire! The presiding judge is none other than John Savident. That evil butcher from Coronation Street (oh! The Humanity!), playing Samar also known as Star killer, any Babylon 5 fans reading this?! Something of a hikikomori/agoraphobic sufferer? He spends most of his time aboard his beloved flagship of the 8th fleet! Did the Corrie butcher wonder that one day his descendant will be a butcher of the judgemental kind?

Alright, I kinda, somewhat guiltily, get a laugh out of Avon rubbing Blake's face in his own morality like some metaphoric custard pie! Blake beams himself down to the alien planet that's allegedly supposed to be devoid of life, though that fact leaves Avon with a reason to believe that it gives the planet that aspect of paradise! The planet is a living entity, & Blake's arrival has upset the natural balance, so it goes on a pest exterminating rampage of the lifeforms within it's surface. The aliens such as zill herself are born of eggs & must avoid being consumed alive. This Sci-Fi concept appeals to this geek, such a cool alien concept & one worthy of any space show, looking at you Doctor Who - Planet Of Evil.

love Travis' speech to the courtroom! The usual obeying orders one but with a twist about hypocrisy at his former commanders! Meanwhile, after his rescue from alien buffet planet, Blake suddenly goes on a fanatical quest of vengeance aimed at the Earth space station where the war crime trial is being held. If only you'd known Blake, that a hated enemy was about to be executed, LOL! Using a Trekkie-style cloaking device that Avon invented & that Vila thinks is "Brilliant, absolutely brilliant! It'll never work." Love the groovy space station HQ by the way, sleek design if the usual look. The design of Zil as well as her mannerisms, her quirks, very alien. Claire Lewis does the role justice.

All that Blakes' fanatic attack does is help another enemy escape so that he can hunt Blake while Servalan hunts them both! Sometimes I can't help but wonder if Avon is right about Blake's over enthusiastic nature! Of course, Peter Miles, the Mr Smithers like Nyder from Doctor Who Genesis Of The Daleks, plays one of Servalans rivals of the aforementioned, confusing political chess game in this one.

All in all we have another personal fave of Mine. I am so fascinated by Terry Nations future, dystopian concept of an evil Earth empire which contrasts the glorious utopia of Star Treks federation in true blue (& dark) brutish, British mode! but i also love the distraction stories, be they human episodes of murder mystery, space pirate, berserker looking at you, Bayban The (6th Doctor) Butcher! Or the totally alien episodes or side distraction as in here. To misquote you, Blake, next time you want to wallow in self pity, don't be so a fanatical brat about it.

Stay Safe!