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Writer's picture: BorgduckBorgduck

Updated: Apr 2, 2022

The Time Tunnel - Town Of Fear (1967)

Tony & Doug find themselves isolated in a mysterious, deserted town in the not so distant future. Before they know what is happening they're attacked by a "dead man" who then blows himself up, (WTF?!) in an ordinary attic, surrounded by highly advanced technology. Our duo encounter an understandably paranoid young, couple. But, worse still than a couple of juveniles, they encounter hostile aliens, bent on stealing the Earths oxygen in eight hours approx. Time Tunnel HQ also comes under this attack once the aliens get wind (sue me!) of their existence. But will a more tragic fate come to an end or begin again?....

They aren't labelled, chum!

This is the final of this Irwin Allen saga & comes with a twist climax. It also continued the alien episodes as opposed to the originally pure-historical like the same eras Doctor Who. This not so distant future is set in 1978 in its not too futuristic glory adding that sense of realism to the proceedings. Doug tells Time Tunnel HQ that it's September 10th, 1978 (a disturbingly too close to comfort for a time travel date, Nostradamus fans?), yet I'm sure the girl told them it was the 8th. I think I missed something in time myself! If it means anything to anyone from there, we're in a New England town called Cliffport, Maine, complete with fancy, apocalyptic siren for the tourists. But the locals, bar the punk couple, are all frozen to be great hosts!

"Eliminate Terrestrials!"

Yes, the real fab part, aliens! As mentioned they plot to steal Earth of all it's air, common oxygen thieves! Do they want to steal the trees as well? Next it'll probably the water, we're rich in that having two thirds of it on this planet, followed by the paintings & silver ware, or are they very exclusive in what they steal, 1970's (& now 60's?) air being a great vintage (?) They call themselves "Andro 1" or "Andro-Leader". The sudden arrival of Tony & Doug confuses them but as a result they discover TT HQ & decide to give them a dose of oxygen deprivation at least a decade earlier, well, the more the merrier right? They also erect a force field around the HQ. "area" (sorry, the pun was irresistible) & General Kirk, Ann, etc are trapped. & by the way, what of the Military of 1978? Were they ambushed or is being done right under their noses? One thing is certain, it can't be a joint black-op conspiracy unless breathing is not your thing!

Who the **** are you?!

We end this short-lived saga on a sombre note.. Yes, the aliens are defeated. Earth is "saved" in both time zones. I'm still confused about whether the aliens used both Human form androids &/or themselves in Human form, both? But, it's that ending of this final episode....

Doug & Tony find themselves back aboard the Titanic, heading on a trail of destruction.

The events of the first episode are suddenly repeating themselves, with our heroes doomed to constantly repeat history ad nauseum via Time Tunnel HQ, who also seem doomed to this fate. Congratulations, Irwin Allen on beating UK series Sapphire & Steele to such a doomed finale, though, the latter wasn't planned, originally.

How cruel of you!

We've got a fab ending to a short-lived, cult classic. I read that Mr Allen didn't want to perform another season. Maybe the equally fab Lost In Space concept caught his & our imaginations (?) Speaking of which, the same alien look is used again in that show! Either way, this show ended on a depressive note. Both our heroes & the Time Tunnel HQ appear to be doomed to an eternal purgatory in time, repeating their adventures time & time again.

You're going dooown, Captain, old chap!

The end is nigh or never?

Enjoy & stay safe!

Stewart via Borgduck,



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