Blake's 7 - Warlord (1981)

Despite the Andromeda alien attack, at Season Two's end. Servalan's Empire seems to be gaining strength. Drugging those former colony worlds, turning them into zombies, for easy conquest. & for target practice sport for seravlans' thug soldiers! Avon attempts to unite the remaining, former colony planets into a unified force. Then, maybe, the resistance that Blake himself first started, might stand a chance, & take the offensive. Unfortunately all. but one, seem antagonistic to a surprisingly, new volunteer. Zukan, a space pirate whose world has attacked the other worlds of the delegation. Can we trust him? After all, they have a common foe in Servalan. Besides, Tarrant's love affair with zeeona might prove to be a hindrance to the fragile alliance, or will someone else be?!

I don't think I have much trouble of where to begin with this one! It is not a fave amongst my B7 fighters of the noble cause, no love? Yet, the pariah that I be, I can't get enough of this one! I mean, c'mon, this is a seriously dark episode. A foothold to the end of the resistance, before the REAL finale! I can't help but dig the leaders of those former colony worlds! Now, fighting for their survival against the former Mother World, yes, Earth! The abused children of Mother Earth want nothing more to do with her (Servalan?) anymore. Funny how Avon has taken the "Blake" mantle when all he cared about from the start, was his own, sweet butt, & being rich! & yes, I recognised Queeg from that Red Dwarf episode, LOL!

I really think Tarrant chose well. Zeeona must take after her mother, she's adorable! Not a hair of hate in her 80's,Toyah - like wig! This may become a problem if all is not what they appear to be! Of course, Servalan is doing her best to be the not so, & therefore surviving opposite! This'll be the last we see of her before the end. Spoilers (to quote River Song!),.......she wins!

What we see is the end of a short-lived, could've been, alliance. At the start of this episode we are treated to Avon, presenting to the colony world leaders, & as might as well be to us, the viewer, to what might as well be the end of Blake's 7! Balaclava masked, Terran soldiers. The thugs that they are, shooting the aforementioned, drugged victim folk of the former colony planets that have been conquered, merely for sport! That scene at the beginning is so trippy & disturbing!

As previously mentioned, I don't see the issue with this episode with B7 fans. Okaaay, I get off on the far out, psychedelic, imagery that this episode is loaded with! Congrats on the BBC with the effects, not to mention the costume, fashion design of the characters here. As for the the flower in the screen wall...Wasn't that used on Supertramps' first, not so well-known, debut album from 1970? Anywho, well done BBC for those gorgeous spaceships, & the unique colony world leaders look! Trust a fool, by the way! Zukan left his sudden realization of Avon, & how they could've been a force to reckon with, just a bit late! Mentioning such an alliance in front of Servalan was sheer stupidity!!

The divide between Tarrant & Avon become that much more divided over Tarrant's girlfriend. Not that there was anything fab going between them to begin with! But we're, well, at least yours truly, are with him when the rest of the B7 crew expect poor Zeeona to sacrifice her life to fix a radioactive malfunction that her father sacrificed his own DIY guys to, to her cost! She's no longer an important figurehead, (no thanks to her father!) &..must die?! Tarrant is a tad ticked, to put it mildly. The cruel irony being that they have to leave their season 4 base in the following episode, & totally give the BBC effects department an excuse to destroy! So as to prevent from being tracked down by Servalan, now that she knows where they are!

This is dark, sombre note kind of stuff. Like a lot of British Sci-Fi, we're not going to get a cosy & rosy end to this. In fact, we're finally going to find Blake, in a final,. Something or other. Avon was going to hold that plan in reserve, they truly are "good friends", right? Servalan is going to win, though she won't be there to witness the fact in person! The Terran Empire must continue! But,. Let's Makepeace, in the meantime..
Seriously though, please stay safe!
Stewart, alias Borgduck,