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BSG - Space Western

Writer's picture: BorgduckBorgduck

Updated: Apr 6, 2021

Battlestar Galactica - The Magnificent Warriors (1978)

We begin in full throttle, here! The Cylons are attacking the rag-tag fleet with the Colonial Vipers putting up a good defence against the metal meanies. Me senses the tactical, Human influence of that Judas, Baltar! The Cylons main target are the three agro-ships that grow much of their needed food supply. The 2nd Cylon Emperor was right to hire Baltar (mighty John Colico's), in another episode they commit kamikaze runs on the fleet! Of the three Agro-ships only Agro-ship 9 survives the battle. Behold food crisis! Gotta 'love' Baltar.

The nearby planet Sectar in Quadrant Zeta, startime 00147002, I know, I need a life, is home to possible remnants of the early pioneers that settled there on their search for Earth. I'll get back to this pioneer business later. Anywho, without seeds & crops they need to trade an energiser that's preferably not marked "Colonial", in case someone does a 'Baltar' on them. On edge of a paranoia or what? What could possibly scare the mighty Commander Adama more than a Cylon ever could? Her name is Siress Belloby. Oh, for fraks sake! If you need an unmarked energiser so badly she's got the ultimate price, seduction. LOL! Look out, Apollo, for your new step-mum.

You'd think it'll be a cut n dry situation then it wouldn't be much of an episode if it were. A mixture of Starbuck's...over-enthusiasm to do the trade in a space-saloon, wine, women, & gambling, & the agricultural town of Serenity's bad moon rising problem. A-WOOOOOOOO!

Every full moon some poor sucker who's been deputised has to go out & face the Boray, a race of primitive pig-like aliens who plunder, pillage, & occasionally snatch a couple of Human women, PLEASE! Don't ask me cause I don't know & don't wanna know why! Starbucks unique take on trading for seed lands him & Boomer in trouble & in a gambling game Starbuck wins a gold badge instantly making him constable of Serenity. Law & order? Starbuck?! BWA-HAHAHA! Half the town that got suckered are now in wooden boxes. The Boray stage another raid & silly Siress volunteers herself a cliche damsel in distress forcing them to go to the lions den to rescue her.

Draw! "You love your people, I love mine!".

I love the space western genre of Sci-Fi & quite a few of these episodes fits that criteria. Star Trek's blueprint title, for example, was Wagon Train To The Stars. The Martian Chronicles, Battle Beyond The Stars, frak, even those bar scenes from Star Wars. That format for which the latter & this series was influenced, this being one of the more superior, of course. Then there's Erich Von Daniken's Chariots Of The Gods the book being a childhood obsession.

Fastest gun in space
Fastest gun in space

Seriously, Lorne Greene must have thought he was doing Bonanza in space. Then there's the Boray, a tad controversial or am I just a tad too knee-jerk pc? The Humans of planet Sectar are obviously pioneer fragments (uninvited guests?) of the explorers who left the colonies, making the Boray the indigenous, native lifeform of the planet. Adama addresses Nogow the Borays pack leader like an Indian Chief in fact the Boray could just as well be Aboriginal or Maori.

Serious mode off. I LOVE how Starbucks gambling obsession gets him suckered into danger I guess he loves it when a plan doesn't come together, glutton for punishment? His Achilles Heel?  & that is that.

A great yarn for many 'yarns' to come. Sue me.

Borgduck aka Stewart



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