Space 1999-The Last Enemy (1974)

The pawns in a space chess game, Moonbase Alpha find themselves caught amidst a war between two opposing forces. A gigantic mother of all battleships so huge it'll make Star Treks: DS9'S Dominion jealous, heads towards the Alphan's. Commander Keonig ditches the usual 'Trekkie we come in peace' tactics for an all out strike much to Proffessor Victors amusement. Unfortunately, all 5 Eagles are disabled, no AA repair guys to the rescue then.

Either the Bethan's are crap aimers or their monster cannon was aiming at the opposite planet. There are two planets orbiting the same sun, parallel to each other, so until our Moon floated innocently by they couldn't strike one another bar the odd space battle & passing asteroid. Suddenly the Deltans wanna strike back, HEY! They didn't want to gate-crash your psychotic party!
Bethan's Alphan's Deltan's, comprendre?
The two opposing forces hate each other so much that it doesn't matter that our heroes have been dragged into their stupid little war. If either side is betrayed Moonbase Alpha has had it. Thanks a bleeding lot! Thanks for dragging them into your neurotic dispute, thanks for making them your scapegoats, your little b**&he's! There seems to be a war of two genders here, the Bethan's are your typical Valykrie, Amazonian stereotypes & the Deltan's are all chaps.

Surprise! Dione, the captain of the Bethan battleship seeks asylum, WHY?! One minute She comes aboard , self-inflated. demanding sanctuary. Then she offers the same to our doomed to purgatory lonely heroes. Yes, I'm sure they'll make great slaves, especially the men! Surely Commander Koenig is not that naiive? Anyone with half a brain cell can see she's stalling for time (?!)
Okay, more pin ups, so string me up!
Yep, the predictable happens. She was waiting for a way to strike back at her enemies despite Koenig making a truce, just a tad too late for that to begin with, I mean seriously (?!) These guys are inconsolable maniacs! This plot sounds silly & obvious but it's fab fun to watch. Koenig plays Dione at her own game, but how she falls for that one, military tactician that she's supposed to be, from a highly advanced race, has this blog/reviewer banging his head against the wall!! Still, it must be very irritating playing pig in the middle.
Despite the obvious nature of the story I really enjoy watching this. Two super-powers at each others throats & who is in the middle & tiny? Sounds familiar? Their war has been going on for so long that either side has forgotten why it started or who started it to begin with! The two rival planets on either side of their sun that they need the passing Moon just to have a go at each other may seem simple enough , but it's still a nice Sci-Fi concept. I dig these cats!
BBC Black-out announcement! Men are from Mars Women from Venus?
Forget the war to end all wars, this one has no beginning or end. Cheerio!
Borgduck aka Stewart,