Lost for Centuries..
Tomb Of The Cybermen (1967)

With new assistant Victoria onboard, The Doctor & Jamie Robert McCrimmon Of The Clan McCrimmon (there can be only one!) find themselves on the planet Telos. Where an archaeology expedition from Earth have also just landed, intent on finding & studying an ancient Cyberman tomb. Our heroes gatecrash their expedition, but can everyone on the team be trusted? And are the Cybermen truly dormant or simply taking a siesta, waiting for the right suckers to awaken them from their Centuries long slumber? Will The Doctor, Jamie, & now Victoria defeat the Cybermen & thus save the known Universe from being made like them?!

I have nowhere of a clue of where to begin with this classic! It was a messiah of a lost classic for years after being another victim of the not so great BBC purge, before being discovered in a monastery in Hong Kong circa 1993. The group that the Doctor has imposed himself upon is lead by Professor Parry. But Klieg & Kaftan, along with their giant, almost mute goon, Toberman, are sponsoring this far out trip. Captain Hopper & his crew are paid to supply rocket-ship transport. They see The Doctor as a rival expedition which, in a way, he could be.

What I really dig (sue me!) is the Cyber tomb is reminiscent of ancient Egyptian pyramids that have been unearthed! This archeological dig uses explosives to unearth the Cybermen's tomb & just like their Edwardian counterparts, is somewhat reckless & crude. Like Egyptian tombs, our cybernetic friends have loaded theirs with booby traps. Starting with the front, electrified entrance that one member finds out to his cost. And a cyber-hypnotic, laser-testing range. Should some of these guys be wearing red shirts?! Was the "50 pounds" that Kaftan offered the crew to physically open the entrance worth it??? These future crew members must be desperately underpaid!! This dig appears to be top secret. Does someone support Kliegs' goal or are hoping to gain some cyber tech weapons?

The 2nd Doc & Jamie have a fab, comedy act going through their era which is tragically missed out on, beyond loyal Whovians. Just look at the above scene, where they both accidentally grab each others hands in a bid to comfort Victoria in her new entry upon our heroes adventures! But back to klieg. He, kaftan, & their loyal goon, have their own agenda. As part of the sucker, logic of magician society, klieg hopes to become ruler of the Universe, (not too lofty an ambition, then?) by awakening our stasis Cybermen.. Just the not so logical idiot they're waiting for. The Doctor constantly baits this self-disillusioned foe. George Pastell also twice revived the Mummy, to his cost, it must be a lunacy that goes down the generations (?)

Allegedly, this is Matt Smiths favorite story, great vintage! In fact if I'm not mistaken, he plays the Eleventh portrayal of The Doctor like Patrick himself! Seriously, can you blame him? The Doctor is some 450 years old when interrogated by Victoria? Her father was destroyed by those "Awful, Dalek creatures!". Our hero tells her that no one else can do what they are doing. What do you mean, time-traveling Doctor? The Daleks & the Time-Meddling Monk, not to mention the Timelords themselves?! For crying out loud Doctor, The Daleks once chased you through time & space!

The Cybermen have been in stasis some 500 years. They cheat you (minus oil of Olay), Doctor, by 50 years on that front! 60's oxo cubes are the menu of the day for poor Victoria in chicken flavor, a typical view of future grub from a retro Sci-Fi point of view. Jamie's reaction to one of the scientists technobabble reflect we, the viewers point of view, hearing such nonsensical sounding stuff from the Doctor. The Cyber Leader gets a special bunk among the dormant, snoozing Cybermen.

I purchased this story for a mere fro-pence (99p) on VHS. Curious (It shames me to admit, now.) & unaware of it's unique history! Let's just say that I'm grateful for the return, in doctor who's 50th anniversary year, of Web Of Fear (1967). Telos is a conquered planet & not the Cybermens planet of origin, Mondas. But we find out the reason for this in 1985's Attack Of The Cybermen. This adventure is so very special. As mentioned, it was lost for years, until it was found in 1992, in time for the 30th anniversary year. As a brat I witnessed pictures of this in DWM & not, at the time, understanding the history of the BBC's tyranny. I wanted to see this so desperately! I finally get to, many a Century (LOL!) later!

The BBC destroyed too many a 60's Doctor Who adventure. Ignorant of the futuristic nature of the show. That one day, there would be generations of fans, with home comfort tech, that would want to worship this treasure! Think of Indiana Jones discovering a priceless, magical, artifact in an ancient tomb (?) It would seem this shocked many a Whovian for appearing dated?! Seriously?! Some of the effects, such as the Cyber Leader getting thrown & his head lobbed off in the process by a semi-converted Toberman and then the sexism, even racism?! My opinion of Toberman, for example is no different than the equally mute royal guards of Dr Who Curse Of Peladon (1972) & Monster Of Peladon (1974) surely? & Captain Hopper's gung-ho, American accent was, yes, his real accent!

The sets of the Cybermens tomb are at a par with Dr Who - The Ark In Space (1975) . Those Ark sets were so amazing that the sets were reused in another Cyberman story! The Cyber tomb is just jaw-dropping amazing! Gotta love those cybermats, even Victoria took one as a souvenir! Erich Von Daniken deserves a nod as well as Kit Peddler & Gerry Davis, creator of a techno fear that predates Star Trek's Borg!

As I type this, Patrick Troughton is on Sinbad And The Eye Of The Tiger (1977) via the horror channel. A fab coincidence!

Stay safe!