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DOCTOR WHO - Robo-Rage!

Writer's picture: BorgduckBorgduck

Updated: Mar 5, 2022

Doctor Who - Robot (1974)

Depending on your view, this is the dawn of a new age in Doctor Who history, or...just another regeneration.  Sounds like the current state of the show, Jodie(?)   As my Whovian brethren is well aware, this is Tom Bakers first story as Doctor number 4.  So, let's roll into a new era.

He doesn't get much chance to take sick leave as the Brigadier needs his help to find out who or what is stealing components for a disintegration gun.  Something's also, from it's point of view, whacking bureaucrats (the kind The 3rd Doctor use to enjoy arguing with) to steal important files.  While Sarah goes off on her head-strong investigation, the Brigadier has to humour a new whacky, renegade Timelord,  this is where Harry comes in.  & gets skipping rope strung up by our hero.

Ashilda recommended this outfit!

Sarah investigates the SRS Reform Society, a cloak & dagger bunch of scientific fascists complete with uniforms, armbands, & boots to..erm..boot!  Hilda Winters is the leader of this crackpot organisation, yet Sarah makes an uncharacteristic display of chauvinism when first meeting her.  'Gee-whizz, shame on you Sarah!'  After some..'pleasantries' Sarah thinks it's a fab idea to break into their secret little laire & stumbles upon the K1 robot.

To make things a bit more interesting, Miss Winters orders the robot to "terminate" Miss Smith as an "enemy of the Human race!"  All in jest, right, Hilda?  The robot suffers a mechanical nervous breakdown & refuses to kill Sarah.  Sarah instantly falls in love with K1 (Something familiar about this).  The Brig ponders, albeit bemused, if we're dealing with alien invaders, yet again, sigh.  Nope. Right, Doc?  Why would aliens wanna steal a ray-gun?  Good Point.  Enemy agents, right?  Nope.  You get a minus Brig!  This enemy is close & home-grown, & have access to a dangerous robot.  & they're willing to kill for their new World order.  Where's Sarah-Jane?

Love at first sight?

Very understandably, K1 becomes fond towards Sarah, & she cannot resist breaking top secret rules in bragging about her encounter with it.  Still, the Brigadiers not perfect.  He discloses top secret information to Sarah.  He obviously misses the Third Doctor despite his reaction to the regeneration.  "Well, here we go again."  Been there, seen it.  Truly a war horse & veteran, Brig, old boy!

The Doc deduces that to get to the robot you need a cat, Professor Kettlewell.  The robots creator & as much as father.  It doesn't take long for The Doctor to gain Kettelwell's faith with equal, if not more knowledge, to the amusement of Sarah & lack of 'musement of the Brigadier.  WARNING:  Kettlewell's one of them!   Harry gets to play James Bond, but, his lack of experience almost costs his & Sarah's life. 

Miss Winters sets the robot on U.N.I.T. soldiers. She goes equally bonkers in almost setting off a near nuclear holocaust!  She & her organisation are stopped with our newly-regenerated heroes help, of course.  Unfortunately, K1 accidentally kills his creator then goes on a rampage, complete with the Brigadiers convenient attempt to destroy it, which merely just made it grow, exponentially.  After K1 wastes lots of poor soldiers, & kidnapping Sarah, The Doctor also wastes the poor thing using a chemical formula for destroying metal, much to Sarah's sadness.  YES!  KING KONG!  OBVIOUS!  Familiarity being the sincerest form of flattery! 

Hell hath no fury!

I really love Hilda Winters as a villain!  The Brigadier, typically chivalrous, cannot shoot her, despite the nuclear countdown.  However, Sarah-Jane Smith, on the other hand... The Doctor cancels the countdown.  Now for my blag, if I haven't already started!  As mentioned, I really love this villainess!  She's pure evil in beauty, 70's form, so sue my butt!  As also mentioned, this is Tom Bakers first story as our Timelord hero.   He played it beautifully bonkers from the start.  I get the feeling they were hoping he would mellow with time & that it was just the result of being newly regenerated.  LOL!  Fat chance!  Tom Baker is fabulously bonkers & as a result is the most iconic Doctor, in this humble geeks opinion.  WHY is Britain considered neutral to hold the nuclear codes of the Worlds weapons?!  Does Switzerland mean anything?!

Patience, Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge Stewart

Yes, boast time.  I've met this legend, twice.  The second time, was on the Strand.  It felt like a pilgrimage, to worship a 'demi-god.'  Shaking like a leaf, complete with geek scarf.  I snapped a picture.  The look on the 'Messiahs' face, complete with trademark smile, calmed me down.  A few years later, I watched one of his interviews.  He compared conventions/autograph signings to pilgrimages.  Exactly as I saw it!  Great minds think alike?

You are an enemy of the Human race!

"I'm THE DOCTOR, the definite article!"

Borgduck aka Stewart.



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