Space 1999 - Dragon's Domain (1974)

Dr Helena Russell's log, 877 days drifting alone in uncharted space. One of the crew members, Captain Tony Cilleni. Is suffering shell-shock from a previous mission that turned into a Siren nightmare! & is using his well-stocked arsenal of weapons, in his quarters, to attack something from his haunted past! A previous voyage in 6/6/96, went tragically wrong when the Ultra-probe that was launched from the International Space Station (yes, I know!) stumbles across a Sargasso of alien space-ships on their trip to an Earth-like planet X.

Tony tries to go AWOL, via an Eagle, 3 months away from the nearest planet, in his pyjama's! You have to admire his eagerness! We get a flashback of Tony's infamous mission to the Earth-like planet, complete with space-ship graveyard. All but tony are scoffed by a flesh-eating monster that traps other species in it's web of fear.

He manages to escape by jettison from the rest of the ship in a lifeboat module where he's forced to endure a Robinson Crusoe in space, on rations. He barely makes it back to Earth alive only to become a scapegoat as no-one except Commander Keonig & Professor Bergman believe his story. Meanwhile, Dr Helena Russell is his shrink. He's subjected to scrutiny & bureaucracy.
Back to the present. Tony get's a chance to redeem himself, when they encounter the space-ship graveyard, again. What we get is a fight to the death as Koenig avenges Tony's death, nobly trying to avenge his crew & slay the beast! Now to the blog part.
Shall I waste time typing that this a personal favourite of mine? Yes! It's a fab watch on a dark, Sunday evening. We are treated to a beautiful, mysterious (literally!) classical rendition via the moog synths of the day, as Tony is alone in space, a precursor of things to come. Tony seems to have a subconscious grudge against poor alan it would seem.

We get a "black sun" mention. Why didn't the ultra-probe crew send an unmanned, drone probe to examine the spaceship graveyard, thus reducing risk? I love the space news, reminds me of Red Dwarf! Seriously? You, Koenig, & Bergman flipped a coin to go on this important mission impossible?! Looks like you got the short end of the straw, Tony! Susan Jameson is on this. She could've been in Doctor Who - colony in space, but the forces that be didn't like a female villain in mini-skirt & boots (spoil-sports!) As is Micheal Sheard who I've had the honour of meeting at a Doctor who con.
This episode is best enjoyed on a late, quiet, weekend night with the lights off. The tragic irony is that tony found his....'redemption' in the end. But who will know, except the crew of moonbase alpha?
Borgduck aka Stewart.