A traditional alien invasion that doesn't include the Goa'uld,
Stargate-SG-1 Foothold (1997)

This fab Season 3 episode begins with our heroes, SG-1 looking for the Harcesis child to help fight against the Goa'uld, particularly Apophis. "General Hammond" just stares as though he hasn't a clue what they're talking about. Soon, SG-1 find themselves in a fight to defend Earth from an unknown alien enemy! Only Teal'c & Major Carter ( because of Joninar) can save Stargate Command, Congress, & Earth from being conquered!

Sam goes to the one person we can't trust......Yes, Colonel Maybourne, now THAT'S desperation! The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right, Maybourne? Unfortunately, for sam Carter, in charge of Area 51, he's an idiot 7-days of the week! These aliens are organic, as is their tech which adds that layer of creepy to them. Interesting that it took Maybourne 75,00ft in his plane, where no bugs can record, his cloak & dagger plans, to catch out the aliens, to catch one of them as well! Yes, with the help of Maybourne & his soldiers, the aliens retreat. Their leader, however. is caught out, before he can escape, the rest of them commit, blow-up suicide rather than become hostages.

So now, my first & fave SG-1 blog. This is part of the fab Season 3, arguably my favourite Season. I jolly well love these one-off monsters. They're truly out of Doctor Who, & yes, I'm looking at you, Zygons! I've noticed a pattern with SG-1 being influenced by Star Trak TOS episodes. Maybourne proves he can eat humble pie & gives Major Carter credit at the end.

Season 3 is my definite fave! So much mini story arcs happen in this Season! But, this episode, with the exception of Colonel Maybourne & the N.I.D. later in this Season. A lot happens in Season 3. We get the end of the "Destroyer Of World" saga, Apophis has taken Sokar's base, thus is a threat, of course Colonel Maybournes illegal stargate programe. Episode Fair Game in which "diplomatic" Goau'uld, out of fear of the Asgard, make a treaty not to attack Earth, thus the mentioned "worst than Goa-uld" enemy, The Replicaters, at Seasons end!

I know not that which I can add to this, only that SG-1 took a lot of it's (ripped, more like!) from Star Trek TOS. For once, it seems, at least, this show took a leaf out of Doctor Who's book instead of Star Trek. Dr Who - Terror Of The Zygons (1975). Borgduck, Yes, guys, now you're creeped out, but you still kick butt!¬ As for these one-off alien monsters, Like their Whovian counterparts they can change shape. The fate of SG-6 remains uknown. Report out.