UFO - EXPOSED (1969)

Commander Straker is alerted to another UFO, trio sighting, headed towards Earth. Immediately, the forces of SHADO Moonbase are alerted to respond to said threat. Unfortunately, an experimental craft that can just go above the Earths atmosphere just happens to get in the way of the battle. One witness survives, a one Col. Foster. What we have here is a test pilot determined to expose the truth of what he witnessed, & he won't stop at nothing (not even getting beaten up by the 118 118 Brothers) to expose a conspiracy, causing a headache for Commander Straker. Will Commander Straker have to "silence" Foster?

Allriiight, Now I can blog & blag about why this is so fab. We've got ourselves a conspiracy, a Blue Book Project of an episode with plausible deniability for flavour. Yet, Foster still refuses to submit. In the space battle, his co-pilot, James (Bond?, lol!) , was killed. The experimental craft that foster flies over the Earths atmosphere predates (?) the U.S, Air Force Bluebird SR-71, which wasn't revealed until 1980 despite being around since the 1950's? Feel free to correct me, folks.

This, like other shows of the era has that 1960's/70's "James Bond", spy/espionage obsession. This show breaths of the of the era. Watching this & Fosters crusade speaks volumes. Jean Marsh plays the pretend Sister of James, the co-pilot that died. But, brilliantly, & oh, so funny, Foster is beaten up by the "118 118 brothers", obviously sent by SHADO in an attempt to shut him up! He also gets the crap beaten up by a Japanese airline hostess whilst threatening Dr Jackson, talk about a glutton for punishment, a masochist?! The Doctor (with his airline hostess) whilst trying to throw him off, demonstrates a metaphor that all is not as it appears. Nope, Foster is still adamant that he saw a UFO!

Anywho, I'm adoring this episode for it's conspiracy, cloak & dagger stuff & Col. Fosters stubborn refusal to surrender to lies! The Ventura G6 craft is reminiscent of the 1950's Bluebird SR-71 that wasn't revealed to the public until 1980. Ironic, seeing as this show is set in 1980. Very Gerry, as per usual. More 80's irony, this show, on this episode, predicted the ill-fated 80's "motor go-carts" short-lived as they were, still, it'll be fab to own one as an antique, alone! Foster passes his own test & is ordanent into SHADO.

I could type that this episode is ahead of it's time, it's certainly worthy of an enjoyment of a watch! Of course we're talking Erich Von Daniken, before Ancient Aliens? But post Roswell? A conspiracy is EXPOSED!

Okay, guilty pleasure, sue me!