Ulysses 31 Chrono's - God Of Time (1981)

Yes, a cartoon! So sue my butt! This definitely qualifies as unique in my retro-reviews for the aforementioned reasons, as yet to be... In fact, I'll be surprised if anyone reads this! This amazing Sci-Fi Classic stems from a Co-production between France & Japan. So, a French & Japanese Anime?

The Odyssey is attacked by the Shark-men's Trident fighters, servants of Zeus. But, they're saved by time, in reverse. A clock-work robot beams aboard, & Ulysses feels honoured to thank their "saviours". Unfortunately, their precious Chrono's-God of time, is a bit of a renegade two-faced jerk, literally! Exiled, he holds Zeus to ransom using our hero as hostage.

Meanwhile, Telemachus & Yumi are exiled to purgartory via The Chambers Of Seasons. Where they're forced to grow older per season & forced to the elements. Chrono's underestimates our Earth hero & the brats as they escape. We're treated to a laser battle between Ulysses & the storm trooper robots. The two-faced Chrono's is mocked by Zeus as our hero's escape.
Riiight, why is this here? Seriously?! This rocks, big time! Phew. Any who, this came out at a time when Star Wars was being a major influence on most Sci-Fi. & it's evident in many an episode, complete with lightsabers & familiar sounding incidental music. Speaking of which. Our Nono is yet, another relic of the R2-D2 mini-Droid craze. He loves eating nuts & bolts, yummy! Sorry, Yumi..(sue me!). Oh, by the great galaxies, this show truly is a gem amongst coal, okay that sucked!
Chrono's is a renegade, exiled from Olympus. & yes, has two faces, the "sleepers" are at threat of dying of old age, in their sleep, including Yumi's brother. Erich Von Daniken's Chariots of Gods & Ancient Aliens is obvious for all to see, here. My first viewing of this classic was as a brat, on a trip to Switzerland, my aunts pad. There, the show was shown, week-nights, at short intervals, then, the whole episode shown at the end of the week.

This show was like magic to this geek & it's popularity around the World is understated! Back to the music part. Is it me or do I hear border-line Progressive-Rock band Styx here? In fact, the same track came out the same year that this piece of calibre came out. & think about it. Styx? Greek Mythology river towards Hades, river of the damned?! Forget ye not, about my conspiracy theories. All that matters is a fab series that seriously needs to be made into a live one!
Borgduck aka Stewart.